Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today is a day to share a great idea by a nice but shall remained unnamed man at the dog park.
You may have thought that fanny packs were a thing of the past, I certainly admit to owning AND sporting one of these functional and, at the times stylish accessories. They we the perfect way to free up your hands while at the same time, being able to keep your beloved tubes of lip gloss, neon plastic sunglasses, and at that time if you were cool, your very own beeping pager.
I am not going to talk a lot about the fanny pack itself, but rather the placement of the "man bag." Oh and did I mention he too, much like the mini van villain from yesterday, he is also sporting a mustache...What is up with that???
This seemingly well organized man was smart and secure enough to realize that if the pack no longer fits on your waist, well for hecks sake just wiggle it up a few inches until it does. The pack then perfectly rested itself right upon the top of his belly. AAANNNND you can't see it in this picture, but he was also kind enough to have a special fanny pack made for his beloved dog as well.
So today Mr. Chest Pack Man, ( which is a oh so much more appropriate name for the fabulous fanny pack) I solute you, for making a new fashion statement out of something once considered a fashion fapaux and rock'n it in public to share with us today!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Case of the Handle Bar Mustache...

There are several reasons I have put off writing a blog.
One large one, seems to lay in the name "BLOG." I may be crazy, but too me, the word is just ugly. For one reason or another, my brain inserts it into places it doesn't rightly belong. For example, It sounds like someone saying, " Oh my word, get out of my way, I am going to "BLOG!" Or for goodness sake, stop picking your "BLOGS!" I just couldn't get over the name of this activity, and to be quite honest, the worry about what people would think of my thoughts that more often than not border on that thin line of insanity. Having said that, I love to write, and I have since I was a little girl. and if we are being super honest, I need an outlet!
Not necessarily for personal sharing, just somewhere to lay all of these extra thoughts I have in my head to rest. So here goes my first, well kind of second blog of randomness..Enjoy.

Like many other working moms in our neighborhood, I make extra money by putting on my bravest face, a bright reflective jacket, and holding up a stop sign as a crossing guard, two times each day. Once in the morning, and once in the afternoon. Like every other job working with the public, I see peculiar things. For example, many mornings, I see people carrying cases of beer from the local grocery store at 7:30 Am, or runners running just for the sake of running, not because someone or something is chasing them, which is the only way I would ever get myself to run. But today I saw something that made me giggle, and when something makes me giggle, I feel a grand obligation to share.

I was sitting warm and cozy in my mini van waiting for the next kid to arrive, when I happened to catch a glimpse of a gold Ford Windstar stuffed full of a large man with an even larger handle bar mustache. I immediately wondered where he was headed in such a inappropriate mode of transportation.

For sure he had to be on his way to get his prize, family heirloom Chopper out of storage, (which with out a doubt his wife made him do.. Because no respectable man with that kind of mustache would be caught without his beloved motorcycle.) armed with polish and gasoline on a quest to get it primed for the upcoming riding season. Or perhaps, and possibly better, he had just robbed a stage coach, out along the Pony Express, and he along with his loot, thought the gold mini van would be the perfect vehicle to hide out in until he got across the border. Either way, I felt a little twinge of sadness for him and his clearly out of place and needing a home, handlebar mustache.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!!

Happy Birthday Awbs!

Love ya tons,
